Vermont casts their delegates for Donald Trump at the RNC.

Gerald Malloy
Republican running for United States Senator of Vermont

I live in Weathersfield, Vermont. I am seeking to be elected as a US Senator in 2024 to better represent all Vermonters.

Our country is divided. We are polarized and stuck. We have 30 to 40-year career politicians, some we do not trust, some give us only talk, false hope or fear. Congress is not delivering progress.

Vermonters embrace change and it is time to try something different: Leadership. New, unifying, depolarizing Leadership. Leadership with integrity that represents you to accomplish results you want.

I offer common sense, open-mindedness, and character. I offer 43 years of leadership experience and performance. I will represent all Vermonters to start making actual progress on problems impacting us all. I will serve and produce results.

My platform, background, and pledge are below. I will work tirelessly for Vermonters to improve our economy, education, and safety, under the United States Constitution.

I will strive to create unity for a bright future for Vermont.

I swore an Oath to the Constitution 39 years ago and I live under that Oath. A US Senator takes the exact same Oath, and if elected I will perform well and faithfully for Vermonters as your US Senator. I will serve all Vermonters. Below are the areas I will focus on and deliver results.

I will grow well-paying jobs in Vermont. I am a businessman. I have 15 years of Business Development success—growing business and jobs. I work in highly competitive technology and services environments, including Washington DC, across industry, government, and academia. I will bring business and jobs to Vermont. Your members of Congress have not done this, I will.

I see America’s entrepreneurial spirit waning. I will work to rejuvenate it in Congress and with our Governor and Legislation to promote business and innovation, not stifle it. I have visited hundreds of Vermont businesses, the common theme I heard is ‘reduce government regulation’—I will.

I will act with discipline and fiscal responsibility.

We have a $34 trillion debt. The Federal and State budgets have increased 50% since 2019. The budget deficit this year alone has more than doubled. We are on a 100% unsustainable path.

I will support balanced budgets and fixing Social Security, Medicare and essential programs for our children, seniors and veterans, restoring their long-term solvency, not cutting them.  I do not support Government Intervention/Industrial Policy related to drug and healthcare prices. I will support changes to US Government Patent Laws that could dramatically decrease drug prices.

I will not support tax increases. I will not support overspending; the trillions of dollars our Congress is overspending is a major contributor to the inflation we are all experiencing and—you and your children and children’s children pay for it.

I will not support the rampant Industrial Policy/Government intervention/full blown subsidy failure mode we are in. Again, you, Taxpayer, pay for it.

I will seek to ensure open/free market, fair trade, however I will seek to sanction trade with countries that are communist/violating human rights, funneling opioids into our country, stealing US technology, or do not support fair trade. I will increase made in Vermont, made in the USA.

I will support farming, dairy, and agriculture in Vermont and across the United States.

I will support the US achieving food, energy, and critical technology independence—this will enable the United States to maintain a strong economy AND achieve abilities to transition to renewables AND lower gas/heating/cooling costs.

Education is our future, and the quality of public education in Vermont and the United States has been on the decline. Instead of overspending trillions of dollars subsidizing industry, China, and wealthy Americans, I will refocus balanced budget funding to improve public education.

I will be a champion for States, Local School Boards, and Parents to determine education matters. I will be a champion for Parents alone to determine what is taught to their children.

I will seek to ensure Unions impact only wages and conditions and are not politicized as they are now.

I will consider major educational changes, such as the dissolving the US Department of Education.

I will not support unconstitutional acts such as Student Loan Repayment, but I will seek to reduce payments by waving accrued interest and fees.

I support School Choice.

I will fully support our Law Enforcement community.

I will seek to enforce immigration laws, and change immigration laws as necessary. I will secure our southern border to address the crime, Opioid/Fentanyl, and illegal immigration crisis.

I will support a strong military with overmatch capabilities. I will ensure accountability and value for all military spending.

I will support development of renewable energy capabilities. I will support continuing to reduce emissions.

Over 39 years ago I took the exact same Oath as a US Senator. That Oath has no duration and I continue to serve under that Oath.

I will protect individual rights. I believe ‘all men are created equal’, we are all God’s children.

I will protect the rights of parents.

I will support the intent of the Constitution: less Government, not more; Government for the people, not people for the Government (also known as Socialism). I will support Government that provides just enough order so every American can enjoy their unalienable rights.

I will support the opportunity for individual prosperity and promote business by reducing over-regulation.

I will support States rights under the 10th Amendment. I will not support federal legislation on powers relegated to the States, this includes sweeping federal legislation related to abortion.

I will base nomination actions on qualifications and character.

I will seek to influence United States Foreign Policy to ensure stability, security, a strong US economy, and peace on Earth.

I will support Amendments to the Constitution as desired by Vermonters, such as term limits.

I will not support unconstitutional actions across all 3 branches. I will support removal from office under impeachment for those that do not fulfill the obligations of their Oath.

My Pledge
Gerald Malloy, will serve all Vermonters. I will conduct myself under the US Constitution and the values I learned at West Point: Duty, Honor, Country. I will seek to regain your trust in your elected representation. I will not use my position or information from it for personal gain. I will serve in the best interests of Vermonters, Vermont and the United States, not my own. I will be accessible: any Vermont voter that wants to discuss an issue with me will be able to do so, and I will act on that issue.  I will not make promises that I know I cannot deliver. I will perform and produce results. I will strive for unity in our Country. I will deliver a better, bright future for Vermont and all Vermonters. So help me God.


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